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Wednesday Wink - Fake it 'Till you Make It!


2 min read

Posted by Maryann Matykowski on June 27, 2018

As a lash extension trainer, I feel the pain of every new lash artist out there looking to start their career. When I took my training, I had to complete 12 practice sets of lashes before I received my certification. I had to send before and after photos to my instructor for review and received pretty harsh criticism. I kept copies of those before and afters and continue to use them in my training today.

We All Have to Start Somewhere...

Every time I complete a training, I let my students see my original before and after sets. Let me tell you, we get a pretty good chuckle out of them. I was not even the least bit good at it; I sincerely think my trainer felt sympathy for me — she was never harsh, pointed out the things that she could praise me on, and very gently gave me constructive criticism on how to improve.

One of the things she used to tell me was fake it till you make it!Those words saved me from throwing my tweezers across the room so many times.I was frustrated, tense and at times, discouraged.

Today, 14 years later, with the rise of social media, everyone is posting their beautiful full sets of not just lash extensions, but lash lifts, microblading and other services. There are a few brave people who have the internal fortitude to post their photos of their practice work and ask for tips on how to improve. For the most part, the criticism is fairly benign —thankfully, they receive encouragement from even the most seasoned professionals.

We all have to start somewhere. We all need encouragement and we are all striving to create masterpieces. Practice, practice and more practice will get you to your goals. Remember that we all have to start from the very beginning — sometimes that means taking baby steps to get where we want. In the end, remember to fake it till you make itand you will be able to accomplish anything.

How are you managing your beauty career so far? Let us know how you are doing in the comments below!

Maryann Matykowski

Maryann Matykowski

Maryann has an accomplished, 30+ year background in the beauty industry. As a cosmetologist she opened her first salon in ’83. She has specialized as an educator since 2006. Maryann knows what it takes to create successful salon businesses and is here to share her experience with you.

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