Get ready to pump up the volume! We’ve got something new to feast your eyes on!If you’re anything like me – an artist with lots of variables from day to day –the one constant I can count on is knowing I use the best lashes and adhesives.Even more so, I need to trust my glue to be reliable and never miss the mark. Long before I started on the Glad Lash Team, Glad Lash has been the brand that never lets me down when it comes to perfect gluing! I feel safe knowing I can trust these adhesives with my livelihood! Plus, I am always learning special gluing secrets and tips through them!And now, the same amazing volume collection adhesives have had a regal makeover!Have you checked out the new caps?! They have my eyelash station looking super blingy!Here is a quick rundown of what each glue is best used for, focusing on the differentiators and some need-to-knows.
1. Russian Volume Glue
This is one of the strongest eyelash glues available. This glue is designed specifically for intermediate to advanced lash technicians! Check out the specs below:
Fumes: Medium
Setting Time: 1-2 seconds
Durability: Up to 7 weeks
Viscosity: Low
2. Volume Plus Glue
So what's different from the above option when it comes to the Volume Plus glue? While both are intended and designed for intermediate to advanced artists, try this one if you're looking to take the leap into faster drying times.
Fumes: Medium
Setting Time: 1-2 seconds
Durability: Up to 7 weeks
Viscosity: Low
3. Mega Pro Hold Glue
The Mega Pro Hold glue is excellent for all skill levels and for your more sensitive clients. Check out the specs below for this mega-valuable glue:
Fumes: Low
Setting Time: 4-5 seconds
Durability: Up to 5 weeks
Viscosity: Low
4. Xtra Strength Glue
A very thin eyelash extension glue, the Xtra Strength glue is perfect for BOTH classic and volume techniques. Great for ALL skill levels. My personal choice for ultra-thin volume lashes, and by request, a glue Glad Lash includes in all of its Essential Student Eyelash Kits!
Setting Time: 2-3 seconds
Durability: Up to 5 weeks
Viscosity: Low
If you are on the hunt for glues that will make your service a match made in heaven for your clients, then try out any of the glues mentioned above! Friends don't let friends use bad glues on their clients – send this to a colleague that needs better glues at their station.
Sarah Moore
A GladGirl from the start, expert eyelash artist, Sarah Elaine Moore has been bringing GladGirl eyelash extensions into the homes of her premier Hollywood clients for over thirteen years. Sarah attended the Make Up Designory in Burbank CA in 2002, studying Film & Television Makeup. She has also trained with the world-renowned Fletcher Pilates Company, where she spent six years exploring how beauty professionals can prevent injury and increase longevity in their careers. Sarah is currently a Volume Lash Trainer at GladGirl Academy. Her mission through her guest posts on the GladGirl Blog is to make the best better, inspiring confidence and instilling value in eyelash artists and clients.
A smooth, flawless wax can leave your skin looking and feeling incredible, but proper aftercare is essential to maintain those results and keep your skin healthy. Freshly waxed skin is more sensitive and needs extra attention to avoid irritation, redness, or ingrown hairs.