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Starting Your Lash Business from Scratch Pt 1 - Which Way to Go? The Boutique Space

Which Way to Go? Boutique Space

5 min read

Posted by Maryann Matykowski on January 11, 2017


Welcome to my new online series. Over the coming weeks, I will be helping you learn how to build a new lash business from the ground up - from scratch! I’m going to provide you with the know-how that I have gained from decades in the industry, so that you can watch your new eyelash extensions business blossom, and avoid some of the pitfalls that can happen with new ventures. We are going to get into the nuts and bolts - the behind the scenes - of how a salon comes to fruition.

Deciding Which Way to Go

When starting your eyelash business, there will be a lot of questions that need to be answered… How do you decide if you want to take on a full salon or spa, or just rent your space - either in a salon or a salon boutique? Which way is best for you? In this first post, we will touch on the boutique space. We will review:
  1. Your current goals
  2. Your future goals
  3. Startup costs of booth rent or boutique
  4. Time and commitment
At the end of this blog post you should have a good idea of what you need to do to start up your boutique, and be aware of the time and financial costs to move forward.

Make Your Vision a Reality

If your current goal is to finally get your own place, will you go for a salon chair or boutique? If you have a solid base of clients, can easily handle your expenses and are ready to make a change, this is what you need to focus on. So, let’s review what your future lash tech goals might be... Have you always had a passion or burning desire to be your own boss? Have you dreamt of running your business the way you want to? Are you uncomfortable with the style of management you have been working under? You may be at the tipping point. If your goal is to conduct your business the way you want and not be at the whim of a salon owner who doesn’t share your vision, then you should seriously consider a move into the future. This process can be scary. It’s all going to be uncertain. There are no guarantees. This requires a “leap of faith”. Seriously, if I can do it, anyone can!

A Little Bit About My Own Experience

I was working in a small salon in Florida right out of cosmetology school. I knew I needed experience, and it was a safe place for me. Sweet old ladies, who didn’t require much, were the name of the game. They were happy just to get their hair done… Nothing fancy. I knew I wanted to do more. I wasn’t satisfied, I saw myself busy. I saw myself happy with my own place. I wasn’t sure how it would ever happen, but in my mind, I could picture it. A few years later, I wandered into a hometown salon and met an old classmate. She wanted to have a baby and turn over her clientele. She was sharing the rent on a room in a salon. I reluctantly agreed and took over her liabilities of rent, products, insurance, utilities and so on. I was scared. I actually had to sign a lease. I took the “leap”. It was the best thing I ever did.I worked hard, promoted myself, and was highly successful. So, when the time came to move into a real salon, I had some confidence. My startup costs for the boutique were minimal in the grand plan. I needed good credit first of all. Most reputable landlords will run a credit, and possibly a background check. I had to put up the first and last month of rent, and a deposit of the first four weeks. After that, I paid my weekly rent. I only had to be responsible for keeping my boutique clean. They did the towels, kept the common restrooms clean, and the building maintained. It was easy.

Let’s Give This Plan Some Dollar Value

My rent back then was $300 weekly. The initial amount I put out was $3,600. My landlord gave me six weeks free startup time. So, I hustled and built my business. My other hard costs were my phone, insurance licenses, and products to run my business. My hard costs came to about $500 a month. $1,700 a month to keep my salon boutique doors open. These costs broke down to $425 weekly. In order for me to make any money, I had to cover these costs first. It had to make sense for me to make my move. I knew what my previous employer was taking from my service totals - 55% commission went to my employer. I was doing about $1,500 a week behind the chair. They were taking $825 a week from me. After I worked the numbers, I decided it was time. Keep in mind; you will lose a small percentage of clients in any move. Don’t forget to factor in client retention on any move.

Doing it By The Book

The biggest benefit of joining with other like-minded salon professionals, who want to experience the freedom of owning their own business, is the ease of ownership. You turn the key and you are up and running. Very easy. They provide the equipment, the lighting, and storage in most cases. Last but not least, you should register your business name with the local authorities; you wouldn’t want another salon to get your name first. Apply for your salon license with your state board or provincial authorities. Check with your city or town if you need a business license and or a Sales Tax License. You will need a Sales Tax License if you are going to sell retail products to your clients, these are important things that you must do. There can be fines, and some severe, if you don’t cross all the t’s and dot the i’s. No short cuts here. Do everything by the book. Get your start on the right foot; double-check all the small details, and you won’t forget anything vital.


Some of you may want to have your lease agreement and any other legal documents reviewed by a legal professional. If your lease agreement is more than a few pages, you should have a lawyer review it for anything that may not be in your best interest. The landlord is always going to protect themselves, do not mistake their friendliness with leniency. They will always put their business interests first. If you are late on rent, they will not be friendly. If a client doesn’t pay you, you get upset. You did the service, you want payment. This is how your landlord will view you as well.

Stay Positive and Move Forward

Keep a professional attitude, do your due diligence, and go out and get your salon boutique! In the next post in the series we will delve into the world of a salon or spa ownership. For more information around eyelash extensions business panning, check out some other posts in my series. Stay tuned, and please, if you have any experiences you would like to share, or questions to ask, leave a message in the comments section below, and I will get back to you.


Maryann Matykowski

Maryann Matykowski

Maryann has an accomplished, 30+ year background in the beauty industry. As a cosmetologist she opened her first salon in ’83. She has specialized as an educator since 2006. Maryann knows what it takes to create successful salon businesses and is here to share her experience with you.

100 Responses

Janelle Greenstreet
Janelle Greenstreet

February 17, 2022

Hi Kirstine, thanks so much for the comment! Yes, renting a salon suite can be a fantastic option when it comes to having more flexibility with days and hours you work, as well as set your own prices!

Aymee Drouillard
Aymee Drouillard

August 05, 2020

How do I know which specific class I should take ?im literally starting from ground zero with no experience.

Kirstine Lopez
Kirstine Lopez

May 25, 2020

Very helpful content. Anyone who wants to build their own salon suite instead of renting or franchising one, you can ask professionals from https://salonsuite.co/ They are an expert in the salon suite business. Build your dreams now!

CM Jubilant
CM Jubilant

December 11, 2019

Thanks for the information. Very informative.

Thread Salon
Thread Salon

November 15, 2019

Thanks for all the information.

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

August 26, 2019

Hi Shaitisha,

You are very ambitious, congratulations on your business venture.
There are two ways to go with this. You can open an academy which requires you contact your State Board and go through the legal process to open a school. This can be quite involved so check with your State before moving forward.
The other option is to hire a technical manager and get them trained as a Certified Lash Educator. We at Glad Lash Academy can help you with this. Once you have a Certified Educator on your staff, they can train your new lash artists. We require that the Instructor have a minimum of 2 years behind the chair, be currently licensed as a cosmetologist or Esthetician and have liability insurance.
If you need more assistance please feel free to contact us at Glad Lash Academy.
Best of Luck to you!

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

August 20, 2019

Hi Lindsay,

This is a tough subject. Most salon professionals give their employer anywhere from 45-65%. If you are bringing clients with you and are buying your own products you should be in the 60-65% area.
If you have no clients you should be around the 45-50%.
As you grow your business, you can renegotiate your commission.
Hey, let us know how things work out for you!

Shaitisha Pool
Shaitisha Pool

August 11, 2019

Hello , I am looking to start a lash extension academy that will provide the course as well as employment upon completion. I do not plan on performing anything I just simply want to own a business where I will hire lash educators to teach the students & get them accredited to work within my business . Can you give me some advice on how I should go about taking the first step ?


July 23, 2019

Hi there! Thanks for this space and forum.
Question: if I supply my own tools, supplies, and equipment. What percent should I give to a hair salon as the only lash technician in the space? I really have a hard time figuring this out with hair salons as my business looks different.

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

May 14, 2019

Hi Thomasina,

We absolutely train in Florida. We have several great Trainers there.

1. Click on this link from our webpage:
(The Artist Directory)
2. Then click on the link that says: OR, I want to find a Trainer>
3. Put in your zip code or various nearby zip codes in your area and you will see a list of trainers that offer classes. You contact them directly and inquire about what classes they offer/what they charge etc.

Let us know how it goes or if we can help you with anything else.


May 08, 2019

Please inform of how u started found quality, timely, vendors, how u promoted etc. It would greatly b appreciated thanks so much for your help, def need it!

Thomasina Hepburn
Thomasina Hepburn

May 03, 2019

Good day,
I’m looking for lash training in the Florida area, are you training in that area as well?

Glad Lash
Glad Lash

April 09, 2019

Hello Satori,

Sorry, no shortcuts here. In TN, you must hold a valid license to lash. Either Esthetics or Cosmetology. This is in place for the public safety. Take a quick brush up course, get your license and never look back! You will never regret getting fully legal!

Best of luck to you!

Glad Lash
Glad Lash

April 09, 2019

Hi Cami,

I can’t tell you for sure about a home based business doing lashes. If you can get a State Board license, you must meet the states criteria for zoning, exits, water supplies, separate entrance, restroom facilities etc.
Even if the State approves, your homeowners associations may have restrictions on what kind of business can be home based. Check with your city and homeowners before you go check with the State Board. Legally, it can be tricky.

Best of luck on your journey!

Satori Watson
Satori Watson

April 01, 2019

I’m located in Tn, btw.

Satori Watson
Satori Watson

April 01, 2019

Hello? I was just certified as a lash tech in early March, but I do not hold my Cosmetology license or Esthetics license. However, I did complete all my hours for Cosmetology, I just never went to take my boards bc hair wasn’t really my passion. Is there something I can do to take state boards but not to be licensed as a cosmetologist only a legit certified lash tech? Tia!

Cami Leuschel
Cami Leuschel

March 23, 2019

Hi there!

Can’t seem to get s direct response in all my reading with respect to a home-based lash business. I will be acquiring my license coupled w getting certified. More specifically, were you successful in setting up a legal CA home based lash business? Kindly share if that’s a true possibility if done by protocol or can we simply not legally go this route in the state of CA?!
Thank you in advance if you’re able to pay it forward with your acquired knowledge!

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

February 21, 2019

Hi Alichia,

You should have enough in reserves to cover about 6 months of operating costs. Rent, utilities, supplies, advertising, website just to get started. You will need a business license, State Board License as well. If you are Microblading, there is a tattoo Certificate that add additional fees. These are just the basics in start up costs.
I would plan on having this in place to get you up and running.

Best of luck in your journey!


February 19, 2019

Hello I want to open a mall location for lashes and microblading how much do you think I would need to start up if space rent was $800 ??

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

January 28, 2019


Thank you for your comment. It is my opportunity to share my experiences and knowledge with those who may need a little help. I’m glad your neurons are being charged, sounds like you are inspired.

Eyelash lift Service in Florida
Eyelash lift Service in Florida

January 23, 2019

There are many aspects of this article on which I concur with you. You have generated synapses in my brain not used often. Thank you for getting my neurons jumping.

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

January 23, 2019

Hi Atoria,

I actually live and work in Michigan too. Unfortunately, you cannot work doing lashes in a salon until you are licensed. Please try and stay focused and practice, practice, practice.
Do not jeopardize all you have worked for by skipping steps set in place for your protection and the protection of your clients. Wait for the license!
Best of luck to you on your new career.


January 19, 2019

Hi I’m atoria I live In Michigan and am currently studying cosmetology my lash certification is next week and I’m looking to start a sell and service type of ordeal …

My questions to you are after certifications can I start my own business work in a salon without having licensing??
Do you have any tips for me if I can… i really would like to start soon so I can finish putting myself through school

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

January 08, 2019

Hi Timone,

It depends on where you live. The criteria is different in every State. Just as a guideline, most States require an Esthetician or Cosmetology license to perform lash services. You do not have to take a year long Cosmetology Program. Esthetics programs can be 4-6 months. Check with your state board for further direction and requirements.

Best of luck to you!


January 03, 2019

I Would like to start my own lash business but i am not licensed, can i take a lash course and become certified before attending a year long cosmetology school?

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

January 02, 2019

Hello Juana,

That’s a very ambitious venture. There are a lot of suppliers out there world wide that offer products. You can do your research and order samples of products. Try them out and get help from a business and legal professional before signing any contracts or placing any large orders. Know what will set you apart from other companies, product quality, brand recognition, pricing, just to name a few.

Best of luck on your journey!


November 06, 2018

I’ll like to start my own lash line

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

October 15, 2018

Hello Jessica,

Your Trainer should be a good resource for where to get lashes and other products. Glad Lash is a great place for all your lashing needs you can always start there. It never hurts to keep strip lashes for retail, they come in handy when your client takes a break from extensions. Starting a brand is a personal choice and you should do your research on how to go about that.

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

October 12, 2018

Hi Angel,

First off, congratulations on you dedication and education. Building a lash business can be slow. My advice is to be patient. Post on social media several times a day. I have had really good results from Facebook Marketplace. Lash a few of your most social friends and offer a referral fee to any client who send you a new customer. Be patient, don’t get discouraged and in time, you speed will increase and your client list will grow.

The best of luck!

Jessica Gordon
Jessica Gordon

October 04, 2018

I’m from Louisiana with a full time job and I’m not licensed and I’m wanting to start a mobile eyelash extension business. I’m enrolled to take a class to get certified but I’m wondering how to figure out where to get the lashes and if I should start a brand to sell strip lashes as well


September 10, 2018

Hi I workout of a nail salon by our mall. The clientele is so so, but very reputable where I live. I have tried running fb, instagram, and google ads. I have gained maybe 5-6 repeat customers. I‚Äôm slow @ lashing but good and careful. I spend a lot of time educating myself. I have had so so amount of walk ins. I feel like my prices are reasonable for my area. I‚Äôm not sure if it‚Äôs me or what….but I really don‚Äôt know what else to do to bring in clientele.

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

August 14, 2018

Hello Danee,

Social media is a great place to start. Create a FB and Instagram Page, post every other day. Change up your content. Offer her Mary Kay clients information on the services you provide and ask for referrals from any current clients you have. You could offer a Groupon or Living Social if things are really slow. You can cancel it at anytime or suspend your campaign if you are getting busy.


August 14, 2018

Hello I’m lashing at a studio but want to venture on my own I have a place I can do it it is my friends Mary Kay studio and she said I could use it for Free until I build a clientele. Then I only have to pay $150 a month for rental space and I have it most of the time. So my question is how do I start everything else up like marketing etc..

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

August 10, 2018

Hi Lili,

Unfortunately in Florida you are required to have an Esthetician or Cosmetology license. But let me encourage you to take that step if you are serious. Lashing is a lucrative and rewarding service to add to your menu.

Best of luck in your journey!

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

August 10, 2018

Hi Jessica,

This is a three part question, so let’s see if we can sort it out. First a DBA is also known as “Doing Business As”
This has nothing to do with a LLC. A DBA is registered with the County you live in. It protects your business name so no one else can do business with that name.
A LLC is for tax and liability purposes. As far as a Tax ID, that is an option, so you do not have to use your personal federal ID. however, for more detailed advice you should consult a lawyer and or accountant to best guide you for your business needs.

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

August 10, 2018

Hey Jessica,

The company that you took your training with should have provided you with consent/release forms. You can certainly make up your own or purchase our consent forms on our site which I will list below. I am happy to hear that being protected is a priority for you and for the well being of your future clients.



August 06, 2018

I’m looking into starting my own clientele and I know you need a business license & insurance but I dont see much information about consent forms. Where & how do I get the consent forms. I want to be protected at all time!


August 03, 2018

I am starting my eyelash business part-time from home, but wondering if I should file DBA or LLC? I’m in California and someone mentioned that LLC will protect you in case someone decided to sue the business. Which do you recommend and does a DBA give you a separate tax ID or is it your own? I was advised to have a separate tax id.

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

July 30, 2018

Hi Iriel,

Congratulations on your new business. I cannot tell you if you should charge sales tax on services. I would check with your city or state to see what their laws are. Most states do not, however there are some exceptions.

Good Luck on your adventure!

Lili kandich
Lili kandich

July 13, 2018

Good afternoon. I have the tatoo artist licences in FL, do you think I can work with that licensed as eyelash technician?


June 29, 2018

Hello, great article however I do have a question that maybe you can help me with. I just became certified in doing eyelash extensions and I just started my business. I have a suite and my question is, do I charge sales tax on the services that I provide such as doing a full set or an infill? Or do I only charge sales tax on the products that I see?

Glad Lash
Glad Lash

June 22, 2018

Hi Celeste,

California requires you have a Cosmetologist or Esthetician license to perform Lash Services. So that will require you attend a school and receive a license issued by the State Board.
Unfortunately, there are no short cuts for this service. Getting educated is always the best route.

Good luck in your venture!


May 31, 2018

Is it possible to open up a lash business in California with only a lash certification and not a cosmetic or esthetic license?? I have researched schools and I’m ready to enroll but I don’t know if I will be making an unecessary move if I can just start my business with out the license and just the certificate?

Glad Lash
Glad Lash

May 25, 2018

Hi Chely,

I’m with your friend! You should take your time and build your client base enough to give you the confidence to leave your full time job. Jumping in full time before you have the clientele can be tricky especially if you count on your full time job paycheck.

Best of luck on your journey!


May 24, 2018

Hi Maryann,

I am a Licensed Esthetician since 2015 and Certified in Lashing 2015 as well. I got ceritifed lashing in Florida and in Georgia, but i live in Florida and have a Florida License. I got sick in 2016 which caused me to put everything on hold. I have 2 clients now that i started revamping my lash biz a month ago, however my lash artist who does my lashes offered me to go to her salon to practice on clients and possibly use a chair at her studio to build my clientle. Do you think that this is the best for me to do so, considering i don’t have much clientele? I have a friend that does nails and she said she started in a Salon and she works at a Salon and has so many clients and is constantly booked, she suggested this would be a good way to get my foot in the door. I do work a full time job Mon-Friday to pay the bills and my lash tech advise i can go there after work a few hours to get practice in and to build the clientele until i’m ready to leave my full-time job. Your thoughts? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!!

Glad Lash
Glad Lash

May 23, 2018

Hi Lisa,

Unfortunately, if the State Board requires licensing to perform lash extensions, you would be in violation of the rules. I know it is difficult to wait for the proper licensing but you can jeopardize your self if there is ever an issue. Stay legal, get the credentials and enjoy your new career.

Best of luck!


May 03, 2018


I took a certification class for eyelash extensions in Atlanta but live in Mississippi. I do not have a cosmetology license. Are there other ways to do business in the meantime while I find a program to enroll in part time? I was given the suggestion to practice under a licensed cosmetologist at a salon until I can get my license. Is this true or do I really need to wait until I can complete my program in a year?

Glad Lash
Glad Lash

March 26, 2018

Hi Missie-lee,

After doing some research, it looks like Lash Extension application and training are not regulated in Australia. It looks like anyone can become a lash artist or Trainer.
Glad Lash has a Teleconference Trainer Program that will give you all the tools necessary to get a training program off and running. We do require liability insurance a minimum of 2 years behind the chair experience and a certificate of completion in lash extension application from a reputable company.
If we can help you, please feel free to reach out at Training@gladlashes.com

Good luck on your journey!


March 21, 2018

hey there from Australia I’m having problems finding the rules or every site say different or is all in america about lashes haha ! I am a certified lash artist and have been for 3 years now I’m getting a lot of people wanting me too train them in lashes myself under my business just want to do it all the right way could you just help me confirm where i could find out or if you know what certificates i would need too train i know i will need training insurance, have an idea i might need a training and assessment cert of some sort ? just want everything too go perfect :)
thank you

Glad Lash
Glad Lash

March 05, 2018

Hi Annie,

Both locations seem like they have pluses and minuses. My professional advice is to go with your gut. Which place “feels” like home. Put the money aside for a moment, the money will come, marketing will help, and remember, you are responsible for marketing yourself, always. You have to go there every day to work. Does one place call to you more than the other? When I have to make that kind of decision, it’s not always about the money. let us know which way you chose to go.

Good Luck!


February 23, 2018

I am so glad I found this article! I am a newly certified microblading and lash extension technician in Idaho. I started off turning my home office into my studio. I have my LLC but I dont believe it is really allowed to be offering and providing these services out of a home where I live.
I have been working on the marketing part to gain clients however I feel it is much more professional to work out of an established salon or spa, plus I believe that would also help you build up clientele.

What I really am stuck on and could use any help or advise is, how to make sure I am picking the best location, the best facility to rent a room from and run my business. Should I be looking for a place that does not already have any microblading or lash techs? Would or could that hurt me trying to get an established clientele? Is it best to go with a place that’s been in business a long time? Location?

I found a “Spa-Lon” downtown on a main busy street ( been there over 20 years) that has a large markey and they will advertise my services on it as well as on their website which is great! I believe there is one or possibly two others with the same services but they also do hair, nails, esthetician services and massage. The owners are great and seem happy to offer any help/advice with getting started, and the rent is $400 for a large room with window and sink plus a large waiting room, the place is nicely decorated too.

Then there is another place that is located in the fastest growing city in US today but its not on a main road and hard to see, its behind other stores. They are much smaller business, been around for about 5 years, and only provide massages, esthetician skin care and one other doing lashes and microblading. the room for rent does not have a sink, cost $150 more a month. The owner here is great as well, waiting area is very tiny.
They both have good reviews too. But for just starting off and needing to build up clientele which one is best? I will be signing a year lease and it scares me although this has been my dream & I feel if I am going to get the clientele I need I must work from a professional spa or salon. I will be later adding more services and getting my esthetician license too. Both have said that they have had “newbies” rent form them and they did great. I just want to make sure I am picking the best place, where I have the best chance for success.
So if anyone has any thoughts, information, experience or whatever, I would REALLY appreciate it! I have to make my decision within the next two days…UGH! Thank you Annie

Glad Lash
Glad Lash

February 20, 2018

Hello Joesanna,

If you are planning on performing Lash services, you must be licensed in California. If you want to own a Lash business, but are not performing services, you do not have to carry a license.
Always do your own research before moving forward. Contact the State Board in your area for full details.

Best of luck!


February 19, 2018

im starting a lash business and i am getting mixed reviews in California do i need to be licensed

Deborah A Lightsey
Deborah A Lightsey

January 28, 2018

Good morning, did you have any success in selling your business

Karen Foote
Karen Foote

January 20, 2018

You need cosmetology license first


December 26, 2017

Hi Nina, you have to be licensed and check with your state board for additional requirements.


December 20, 2017

Do you have to be licensed in Kentucky to open a Lash Bar?


December 04, 2017

Hi Jody
I have written a series of Blog topics on Starting your business. "Starting from Scratch. Many of your questions can be addressed by going to Glad Lash Blog Posts under the Business section. You should find some exceptional nuggets of advice there.
Best Wishes!



December 04, 2017

Hi Savannah,

Congratulations! It take a lot of work and dedication to complete the courses.
I would recommend you go to the County website for a DBA, or (Doing Business As) and search for the name you want for your business. If it is not already taken, then you should apply for that Trade Name. Its pretty easy to do online. You don’t need to copy write the name unless you are planning on going big time. A simple DBA works for most small local businesses.
Good Luck!



November 30, 2017

Hi Maryann,

So I just got my esthetician license in the state of California & I’m soon to be lash extension certified this weekend! My goal is to eventually rent my own studio but as of right now I have to work from home or go to people’s homes to do their lashes since I don’t have clientele yet & I can’t afford a studio out here in the expensive Bay Area! I know I need to get beauty insurance, business licenses, & I’m not sure what else I need to do to start a legal business. I also came up with a name that I would like to call my lash business but I just don’t know how to check if someone already has the name & I also don’t know how to copyright it (if the name isn’t already copyright) so no one else could us it.

Thank you for your time!



November 30, 2017

Hi! I am a NEWBY! I am taking my lash extension course next week. I am extremely dedicated and motivated. I have a big house and am going to be turning one of my spare bedrooms and downstairs entrance into my lash lounge. My question is, what do I need to get started?? I know these questions will be answered when I take my course but I really want to get a head start! I’m looking for:
What kind of bed do I need, massage or aesthetician’s?
What kind of stool is the best for me and the kindest for my body?
What lash tools can I order and have ready to go?
What are the good wholesale retailers to order from?
What is the best brand of light to buy?

I have so many questions and was hoping to chat with someone that can help me and give me advice. Thank you for your time!


November 13, 2017

Hi Jeannette,

Unfortunately, I am not the best authority on this subject. There are FaceBook pages for lash artists that have the same interest. I would check them out for more information on becoming a lash/cosmetic brand.
I wish you the best in your endeavor.

Maryann M


November 13, 2017

Hi Kamisha,
I️ applaud your ambition. However, to partner and finance someone else who isn’t even certified yet is a bit chancy. It will take her a year or so to develop the skills necessary to build a nice clientele.
Personally, I️ would recruit those who are already certified and start your business. You can always encourage your friend to get trained and bring her on down the road.
Best Wishes.

Maryann M


November 13, 2017

Hi Suki,

My advice is to always follow the rules and regulations outlined by the location. If anyone ever has a dispute with you, you are now having to look over your shoulder in case someone reports your Home based business to the Board.
I would bite the bullet and find employment at a salon until you feel you have built up enough business to move on. I know it’s not always the way we want to do things, however there are laws to protect yourself and the public.
Good Luck!!

Maryann M.

Suki Garrison
Suki Garrison

November 10, 2017

Hii Maryann,
I am a cosmetologist license in TX, I recently moved to NC and I want to start out from home first to build clientele before renting a loft. Looked into laws in NC, you can’t have any beauty salon based out of home. I’m just worried that if I do it from home. I might get a fine but I don’t have any client yet to cover the rent. What is your advise?


November 09, 2017

Hi Naomi,
You will have to check with the State Board for more direction on if you can do lashes.
I always recommend Certification. There is so much to know to be safe and compliant on sanitation.
Glad Lash Academy has great Educators. Check out the Glad Lash website for a Trainer in your area.
Good Luck!!


November 08, 2017

Hello my name is Naomi I’m a nail technician with a license, I want to become a Lash Technician do I still need a license to do lash extensions?


October 12, 2017

Glad to help Jenna and best wishes on your new salon!


October 08, 2017

This is such a great article! I’m a trainer and lash tech in classic, Russian volume and mega Volume. I’ve just found the perfect location for a shop and sign the lease tomorrow! I can’t wait! Im trying to find lists of all the things I need. Basically I’m assuming that I need everything I have…times 4…so that I have 4 stations identical! At least that’s what I think I want!
Thanks for your advice!


October 05, 2017

I am not a licensed aesthetician, but am an entrepreneur looking to be successful as silent partner by opening my own Lash Bar. I am partnering with a friend who has some personal background in field and will be the technician upon start. My partner is not at current certified yet; I will be financing her training and all expenses for the business upon start up. I intend to grow my business into eventually adding more lash stylists and services once we are well established. My question is should I rent my own space for my partner or should I start with a booth in another establishment even if my intention to is to move forward with my own space once profit shows. Thank you for your response in advance


October 02, 2017

Hi Melina,
There are so many things you will need to get your business going. The amazing professionals at Glad Lash will be happy to help you place an order for Glue and lashes, under eye pads, tape and other items they know you will need. Feel free to reach out to them for guidance. Good Luck and let me know how things work out for you!!

Melina Avelar
Melina Avelar

September 28, 2017

I am not a licensed aesthetician, but I do know that the lash business is generating a lot of Buzz and I want to start my own lash salon. However I don’t know exactly what supplies I will need for the Salon meaning eyelashes Glooze etc. I’m starting from scratch can you please help me on what is it I’m going to need in order to get started? thank you


September 28, 2017

Hello I’m intrested on creating my own lash brand and sale it to clients
How would that work & what license do I need for that ?


September 12, 2017

Hi Mohasin,
Unfortunately, I am not the best authority on this subject. There are FaceBook pages for lash artists that have the same interest. I would check them out for more information on becoming a lash/cosmetic brand.
I wish you the best in your endeavor.

-Maryann M.


September 10, 2017

Hi can u give me advice, tips,contacts,suppliers, to start own lash/cosmetic line. I’ve found a few on Google but they charge soo much for samples..Do u know of a good company to look into?


August 28, 2017

Hi Tia,
There are suppliers who will brand products for you. Depending on where you are from, you should contact your local municipalities for more direction on licensing and liability insurance for any product you want to sell.


August 28, 2017

Hi Alisa,
You will have to check with the California State Board for more direction on if you can do lashes.
I always recommend Certification. There is so much to know to be safe and compliant on sanitation.
Glad Lash Academy has great Educators. Check out the Glad Lash website for a Trainer in your area.
Good Luck!!


August 28, 2017

I am not licensed in cosmetology but I am a registered nurse in CA and was interested in starting my own lash business. I would like to be mobile and build clientele on the side. My question is, do I need to be certified in lash application and do you have suggestions for the right places to take these classes? I read above that you mentioned liability insurance, how much would that cost?


August 24, 2017

Hey I wanted to start my own eye lash line ! Do I need a business license for that and also if I buy wholesale from private vendors can they take my name and brand it as their own


August 17, 2017

Hi Cora, I know a few Lash Artists that are mobile and very successful. Check with your States guidelines on how to do this legally. Good Luck!


August 17, 2017

Hey Lisa, I’m so happy to hear you want to branch out into Lashes. We have some amazing Trainers out your way. you can go to the Glad Lash Website to the Training Tab and find your Lash Trainer there! Good Luck!!


August 17, 2017

I am starting a lash business and I’m wondering if it’s possible to be successful without getting a space at all and just being mobile. What’s your opinion?

Lisa Barthelemy
Lisa Barthelemy

August 16, 2017

Hi, I’ve had my cosmetology license for 25 years in Pittsburgh pa. I’m interested in learning how to do eyelash extensions, but I’m confused on the schooling. Do I first need to go to back to cosmetology school to get certified, then get certified again from a lash company? Also could you send me some info on getting started out of my house? What do I need, what supplies, at home studio look like?
Thanks. Lisa.
Also I would love to learn about Glad Lash training.


July 31, 2017

Hi Elle,
You do need to be licensed in Pennsylvania to apply lash extensions. I think It’s a very good idea to be Certified with a reputable Lash Company. There are many things you need to know besides application techniques. Safety, Sanitation, and other issues that will apply to your business. Liability Insurance may require that you be licensed and or certified. You may be very good at lashing, even though you are self taught. It takes skill and dedication to perfect. But here’s the thing:
I would enroll in a program, get your license and certify with Lashes. You want to start your business legit, with the best education backing you up. If any of theses things aren’t in place, you will eventually have to backtrack and get everything in legal order.
Check with the PA. State Board for accurate rules and regulations and become compliant so you are free to run your business. Best Wishes on your Journey.



July 31, 2017

Hi Maryann

I am starting a lash business…. I live in Pa. Do I need to be licensed to apply eyelash extensions? Do I need to be certified ? I am self taught.. I want to do it right by law if need be.

Thank you


July 25, 2017

Hi Jennifer, if you would like to be a Glad Lash trainer please contact us at 888-688-9621 for more information. Thank you.

Jennifer Cuba
Jennifer Cuba

July 24, 2017

I am selling my eyelash biz by the end of the year (2017), in Charleston, SC! After 7 years of success, a stellar reputation, I am downsizing my life and slowing down. Charleston is rated as the top destination city, sometimes world-wide, repeatedly. I can train you how to do everything you need to know. Check out our great reviews on Yelp.


July 10, 2017

Hi Brendushka,
I understand your concerns. The market place has so many options. In my own experience, I felt the most connection when I could actually speak to the educator.
I had a chance to have my questions answered. Many trainings just direct you to a website or answer questions via email or text. I would start there. Speak to a live person. If you don’t “feel” right, then contact a few more until you are comfortable that your objectives will be met. Good Luck and check out the amazing Glad Lash Academy Trainers on the website.

Maryann M.


July 09, 2017

Hi Maryann I am an esthetiacian and want to take an eye lash extension class but I am concerned about all the different academies out there I don’t want to go for the most expensive or the most known name, please help me.


July 05, 2017

Hi Helen,
In most cases, you do not have to be licensed to own a Salon. Check with the State Board in your State for the rules regarding who needs to be on site during the hours of operation.
Finding employees is a little more challenging. Post to social media, contact schools for their employment and career job postings. Put ads on Craig’s List and other job boards.
As far as pay, that is much to detailed for a reply. I touched on this in my Starting from Scratch post. Check it out!!
Good Luck on your endeavors!

Maryann M.


July 02, 2017

Hi Mary! I do not have an esthetician or cosmetology license, can I still OWN an eyelash extension business? If so, how? Also, what is the best way to find employees & do you know how they usually get paid (commission, hourly, tips? What percentages & rates?)? Thank you SO much for your knowledge!!!!!! It is greatly appreciated:).


January 13, 2017

So I’m assuming if you Don’t have full clientele yet don’t get a place?! I don’t have full clientele working out of my home. I still work a full time shop job. Was thinking of renting an all inclusive suite to start off but it’d be paid for with my job as oppose to lashes starting off cause because I’m new. Should I go rent and hope that with marketing etc. I’ll start making more than rent (or even rent at all lol $400) or just try to make rent off of doing from home first?


January 12, 2017

I want to start my business, please I need help and learning all about this business. Im esthetician with 4 years experience and certified in lash extension, but I know I need help.

Janelle Greenstreet
Janelle Greenstreet

February 17, 2022

Hi Kirstine, thanks so much for the comment! Yes, renting a salon suite can be a fantastic option when it comes to having more flexibility with days and hours you work, as well as set your own prices!

Aymee Drouillard
Aymee Drouillard

August 05, 2020

How do I know which specific class I should take ?im literally starting from ground zero with no experience.

Kirstine Lopez
Kirstine Lopez

May 25, 2020

Very helpful content. Anyone who wants to build their own salon suite instead of renting or franchising one, you can ask professionals from https://salonsuite.co/ They are an expert in the salon suite business. Build your dreams now!

CM Jubilant
CM Jubilant

December 11, 2019

Thanks for the information. Very informative.

Thread Salon
Thread Salon

November 15, 2019

Thanks for all the information.

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

August 26, 2019

Hi Shaitisha,

You are very ambitious, congratulations on your business venture.
There are two ways to go with this. You can open an academy which requires you contact your State Board and go through the legal process to open a school. This can be quite involved so check with your State before moving forward.
The other option is to hire a technical manager and get them trained as a Certified Lash Educator. We at Glad Lash Academy can help you with this. Once you have a Certified Educator on your staff, they can train your new lash artists. We require that the Instructor have a minimum of 2 years behind the chair, be currently licensed as a cosmetologist or Esthetician and have liability insurance.
If you need more assistance please feel free to contact us at Glad Lash Academy.
Best of Luck to you!

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

August 20, 2019

Hi Lindsay,

This is a tough subject. Most salon professionals give their employer anywhere from 45-65%. If you are bringing clients with you and are buying your own products you should be in the 60-65% area.
If you have no clients you should be around the 45-50%.
As you grow your business, you can renegotiate your commission.
Hey, let us know how things work out for you!

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